Ways that we should do....


Let go of the past & go for the future, confidently to the direction of your dreams. The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can summed up in a single sentence: Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle if not.

Grace means more than gifts. In grace something is transcended, once and for all overcome. Grace happens in spite of something; it happens in spite of separateness and alienation. Grace means that life is once again united with life, self is reconciled with self. Grace means accepting the abandoned one. Grace transforms fate into a meaningful vocation. It transforms guilt to trust and courage. The word grace has something triumphant in it.

Live the life you imagined. LIVING A LIFE OF EXTRAORDINARY!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

21st Century Girl?

Someone please tell me this is so not happening to kids? 

This is so sad. A sad life for our coming generation. I wondered. As we get richer with knowledges and capabilities to provide our future generation with the newest technology in the world does that mean that they must and become like some gang leader at such an young age. God knows what is going on and what will happen with our future.....

Give your comment. I would love to hear from you. :)

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